5-Day Intensive Nervous System Rewiring Intensive Webinar with Dr. Tiffany

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5-Day Intensive Nervous System Rewiring Intensive Webinar with Dr. Tiffany

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Dr. Tiffany's 5-Day Intensive Nervous System Rewiring

There are 5 three-hour sessions over 4 weeks that blend the following techniques:

The Safe and Sound Protocol
Internal Family Systems
Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT)
Brainspotting and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Vagus Nerve Training

If you are ready to heal:

What can the Nervous System Intensive help?

Depression and Anxiety
ADHD Symptoms and Overwhelm
Auditory and other sensory processing 
Trauma history and High ACE score
Sleep struggles- insomnia, falling asleep
Neurological changes- Brain Fog
Autonomic dysfunction/Digestive dysfunction
Recovery from Lyme/Mycotoxin Illness
Autoimmune struggles

Dr. Tiffany Brown-Bush

I am Dr. Tiffany Brown-Bush, I am diversely trained as a Licensed Neuro-Psychotherapist, Traditional Naturopathic Doc and Board-Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine. I am Kharrazian Institute certified and ReCODE certified in Alzheimer's prevention and reversal.  I specialize in Brain Health and Function, Fatigue issues and Immune system struggles, Stress conditions and Emotional struggles in individuals, couples and families. 

You Do Not Have To Suffer ~ Doc

What is The Safe and Sound Protocol?

Repatterning the nervous system through listening.

Humans need social connection. We look for cues of safety in other people by reading their faces, body language and tone of voice.

Some people, including adults and children who have experienced really difficult life events, are living with illness or injury, have sensory, learning or developmental differences, such as autism, or for many other reasons, may miss or misinterpret these cues as threatening.

Their autonomic nervous system may be biased toward experiencing the environment as unsafe, which can limit the body’s ability to heal and recover.

Auditory processing is a window into the nervous system. By listening to the specially filtered music of the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) in the context of a therapeutic relationship, the nervous system can be repatterned to better perceive calming frequencies, enhancing autonomic regulation by changing the way it responds to cues from the environment.

The SSP helps to regulate the autonomic nervous system and improve auditory processing, leading to better social connection.

When we experience the world as safe, we can more effectively and efficiently use our internal resources to support health and well-being, building the foundation for awareness, embodiment and resilience.

What is Emotional Freedom Technique?

The EFT Basic Premise

The Basic Premise of EFT: "EFT operates on the premise that there are unresolved emotional issues either causing or contributing to any issue. The reason we say they are unresolved is that any negative experiences can be stored in the body and continue affecting the way we handle new experiences, until resolved." In other words: There is a body/mind connection. (The central nervous system is evidence of this).

“The cause of all negative emotion is a disruption in the flow of information and energy in the body/mind system.”

The type of EFT that is practiced by Dr. Tiffany is clinical vs., what's normally found on YouTube and social media. What differentiates Clinical EFT from Palliative (online and general) EFT is that Palliative EFT treats symptoms where Clinical EFT seeks to find and discharge the energetic resonance that is at the root of those symptoms. Doing so contributes to the elimination or reduction in present-day reactivity to stressful events. This addresses the living triggered that occurs from experiencing trauma.

Clinical EFT is deeper and root-cause. The root-cause approach focuses on identifying the specific events that underlie a feeling, symptom, thought pattern or belief. These specific events are always stressful or traumatic to the person. It is those specific events that we use Clinical EFT to treat. There is an importance to being specific, it means that Doc will focus on the specific event that is troubling you.

What is Internal Family Systems?

IFS is a transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self. We believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing. Just like members of a family, inner parts are forced from their valuable states into extreme roles within us. Self is in everyone. It can’t be damaged. It knows how to heal. 

IFS is frequently used as an evidence-based psychotherapy, helping people heal by accessing and healing their protective and wounded inner parts. IFS creates inner and outer connectedness by helping people first access their Self and, from that core, come to understand and heal their parts. 

An Overview of IFS

 IFS is much more than a non-pathologizing evidence-based psychotherapy to be used in a clinical setting. It is also a way of understanding personal and intimate relationships and stepping into life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness. 

Go from being stuck in sympathetic overdrive or shut down in Dorsal Vagal to Ventral Vagal, here:

What is Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT™)?

Quantum Neuro Reset Therapy (QNRT®) is a proprietary protocol designed to initiate a quantum shift in the nervous system by resetting the brain's response to emotional triggers for both past and present emotional trauma and stress.

Doc Brown-Bush is a trained and certified QNRT™ practitioner. She will be able to identify specific adverse events or emotional traumas that have occurred in your life, including the age the negative life patterns were first established, the circumstance, the situation, and the emotional conflict surrounding that age and event. She will be able to tie in the core beliefs (Core Drivers) that were established to help you survive or protect yourself from perceived harm. You will currently understand how this pattern no longer serves you. You will clearly see, feel and hear how you use your coping mechanisms to drive self sabotaging behaviors. With QNRT™ a practitioner will activate your nervous system and reset the way your brain responds to emotional triggers.

How Does QNRT™ Work?

QNRT™ is based on the foundational principle that the Brain and the Nervous System control and coordinate all functions of the body. Any unresolved emotional stress, past or present, is understood to affect the nervous system in an adverse way that leads to physical mental, and emotional breakdown. This fact is critically important in understanding QNRT.

Most of us have experienced an “Adverse Emotional Stress”, either directly or indirectly, during our life time. QNRT® associates common experiences such as sleeplessness, anxiety, nervousness, fatigue, soreness, and gastrointestinal complications for example, with past adverse emotional stress events. This is a prime example of the Mind / Body connection.

The principals of QNRT are supported by the findings of the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Study* as it relates to future symptoms, behaviors and illnesses. According to the ACE Study, children who have experienced specific adverse emotional experiences were prone to a multitude of health and social problems continuing into adulthood. Health issues include heart, liver and respiratory concerns. Mental issues may include sadness, anxiety and anger, as well as high risk social behaviors such as drug abuse, alcoholism and early initiation of sexual behavior

What is Vagus Nerve Training?

The Vagus Nerve, the tenth cranial nerve, is also called the wandering nerve as it is the longest cranial nerve in the body. It provides parasympathetic innervation to the major organs. As the command-and-control center for the body, the vagus nerve is involved in autonomic organ function, regulation of inflammation, perception of pain, and modification of disease. In this training, you will learn how to stimulate this nerve to improve outcomes in a variety of disease states.


Heart Coherence

Heart Coherence is a state of cooperative alignment between the heart, mind, emotions and physical systems. This expands into personal, social and global coherence, and at HeartMath Institute we have the tools and technologies to learn coherence and its benefit, based on the rigors of over 30 years of scientific research.

Learning to activate qualities of the heart such as care, kindness and acceptance increases our Personal Coherence™. This results in less mental and emotional pressure, more effective choices and increased resilience. Because our personal coherence is communicated through our energetic field, it has an uplifting impact on others. The proven benefits of coherence also extend to our social and global communities. Social Coherence™ accesses a collective heart intelligence that helps lift group effectiveness, facilitating authentic communications and easier access to solutions for more harmonious outcomes. As individuals and groups practice increasing their heart coherence, it paves the way for a collective momentum that has the potential to transform and uplift consciousness on a global scale – Global Coherence™.

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This is where the struggle with your Nervous System Dysregulation ends!

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